Saturday, January 5, 2013

Blog Beginnings

Our family (or those still at home most of the time!) is the first day of the rest of my life! Today is the day I start blogging about my accomplishments and bragging to the world about what I have done.

I didn't know I would actually be starting this blog today, but that IS one of my goals for this year, so I just went with it. I didn't realize it would be so easy to begin! And because of that, I didn't put any thought into what I wanted to name my blog. I'm interested in quilting, in cooking and eating nutritiously, in reading and in playing the piano and it's not too readily apparent what kind of a title would convey all those interests!

But then I realized that I'm also a VERY big goal-setter--I set goals and then I work hard to achieve them. That's partly why I'm able to quilt, read, sew, cook, and play the piano the way that I do. So the idea came to just name my blog, "Get More Done Today." Because, as you get a little more done each day, eventually you will achieve the big goals in life. So this is the premier post for "Get More Done Today." And now I'm going to stop typing in this post and go and get more done, today!

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